Monday, December 26, 2011

"Are we Planting the Church tonight?" - Chapter 3

Erin and Stephen

Greetings friends from the beautiful and cold Midwest!
The 26 foot Penske
After about two weeks of intense packing and lots and lots of tears we left our home for the last nine years (that rhymes)! The three girls, my wonderful 21 year old brother, Stephen and myself piled into the Pacifica; while Daniel and Brad (wonderful family friend) drove the 26 foot Penske packed to brim with all our worldly possessions (there was a lot of grumbling by my husband as to how much stuff we have).  We pulled out at 6:30am, Monday December 19th.  Morgan pipes up from the dark back seat, “Mom, are we planting the church tonight?” Ah, if it were only that easy, Morgan.  We then made a much needed stop at Starbucks by the Pacifica crew and then with hot drinks in hand we hit interstate 76/80 east for the next 800 miles.  About an hour into traveling I made my brother pull the car over  on the interstate so I could pick up a Colorado tumbleweed to take to WI with me!!  Then back in the road we went!  I want to send thanks out to several families in our beloved Rocky Mountain Pres Church the Breed girls were sitting pretty with special travel boxes and bags full of goodies and fun toys to keep them entertained for the next 16 hours.  Stephen and I passed the hours by listening to music, talking and texting goofy videos of ourselves to the Penske crew who would send one back and so on.  I also made Stephen stop by  the side of the interstate so I could pick up a tumbleweed to take to WI!! The biggest surprise on our hours of travel was how well Caroline did.  I think her one year birthday a week before gave her a sense of maturity so she didn’t feel the need to have any crying fits during either day of travel….but it was probably God’s merciful hand on my baby girl.  We stopped in Lincoln, NE for the night and all the men played Marco-Polo and Chase with the girls in the pool wearing them out.   We picked up the next morning and though the day went fine we were all a little wilted by the time we pulled up to Daniel’s parent’s house around 6:00pm but safe . . . thank you for your prayers.  The next day was just as crazy for Daniel, Brad, Stephen and many others.  They all took the truck north to our temporary place of residence and unloaded it (God bless each of them).  Then they came back dropping Brad at the airport in Milwaukee. 
 The next few days were full of Christmas and family.  It is now Dec 26th and I am thoroughly wiped out!  I have been sick with a sinus infection and….(drum roll please) I am pregnant with our fourth little Breed!!!  It was a bit of a shock, but I am now 13 weeks along and I am feeling better.   The baby is due June 30th.
So what now?  That’s a good question!  We will use the next few months to get a feel for our surroundings in Appleton, touch base with a core group of people friends already established there and get settled to start this church plant.  It will take time, patience and lots and lots of prayer!   Keep in touch!  We miss you, Colorado!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Waiting . . . Chapter 2

Well my friends, the fundraisers have happened and almost all the letters have been sent or given comes the hard part....waiting and doubting.  Waiting for God to bring in the financial support we need to make this church planting dream a reality and doubting that He will come through.  It is so easy to be excited and optimistic in the beginning when all your cards haven't been played.  When you think you still have a small bit of control over this “game” or an ace up your sleeve.  Now that our cards have been shown and our message has been communicated we wonder, was it enough?  Maybe we should have worded the letter differently or maybe if we had been more bold in our fundraising events . . . but we have to let it go.  I have to let it go.  I am a typical woman; I like my control and I am not very patient, but as my sister told me last night it is out of our hands.  There is truly nothing more we can do.  We have taken our family for a running leap off a cliff just trusting God has a safety net waiting for us!  I think we are nuts….truly!  J

It has been be very humbling for me and for Daniel during the last few weeks as he has gone out almost daily to ask for support from his peers.  It can’t be easy to do that.  I feel like a very bright light has been shown on me and my humanity.  I feel so utterly unworthy for this!  I sat in the tub tonight (my nightly routine to detox from the day) listening to some of my favorite hymns and found myself trying to think of all the skills, gifts or whatever that would have made God “pick” me to start a church in his name….yeah…lets just say it was very pathetic!  Everything I thought of that could benefit the cause was tainted with ME and my weaknesses!  I was a bit shocked when I realized I really wasn’t bringing anything to this.  If God wants to use  me to build His kingdom then I am going to be on the front row with everyone else to witness how He will!  “Oh Erin, you don’t give yourself enough credit…”  Really?  I ask you to put yourself in my shoes. What gifts and skills do you have that are always at the ready, you have energy to pursue at all times, and you utilize with a pure heart?  If there is something I am learning through this process it is that even my best gifts in which I put forward to build God’s Kingdom are tainted by my limits as a person. Yes, very deep thinking for tub soaking!!! 

So, we continue to wait on God to bring us the support we need.  I know I will look back and think this was a great growing time, but being in it now really hurts.  Take care and I will post again soon!!


Monday, October 3, 2011

The Start of it all - Chapter 1

My first posting…save this, folks.  I feel like we are getting ready to set out to discover a new world.  I have no idea if we will hit gold or fail miserably, but I asked for adventure in this life and God is handing a big one to us now!  I still can’t believe we are going to be heading off to plant a church!  It sounds so big and I don’t feel ready…but who is ever ready for anything really.  I remember when we found out we were pregnant with Ellie three years too early for our timeline.  We weren’t ready for a baby in every way the world thinks you should be, but God took care of us then and she is a thriving 7 years later!  This feels a bit like that.  How humbling it was to be handed a precious 7 pound baby girl on loan from God who we are suppose to raise?  Talk about terrifying!  Now God is calling us to Appleton, WI to start a church and share the gospel.  Who are we to do this?  What makes us qualified?  Maybe one day I will have an answer to that, but don’t expect to see it in any posting in the near future!! This journey is just as much of a gospel lesson for us as it will be for our future church. 
I look forward to sharing this journey with you during the next years.  I will say now that I tend to be an open book.  You won’t get a blog about how wonderful everything is when it isn’t.  I have a feeling this is going to be very testing and trying at times, BUT I also know that God gleans the most “fruit” from us when we are on our knees before him.  So, you will be hearing about the good times and the hard times.  It will be a wonderful support to know you are all entering into this with us.  I will keep you posted from now on and the progress of getting ready to move, fund raising, fun stories of the girls and the highs and lows of it all!  God bless each one of you!
Much love,
P.S.   Please look to the right to see our needs and how you can pray for us.  We would love to get your thoughts and comments below.