Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Autumn With 4 Girls

S'mores at the Cabin
So, the calendar says it’s been awhile since I’ve connected with you all, but it feels like I just blinked and suddenly summer is gone, leaves are turning and Hobby Lobby is putting out its Christmas stuff…seriously…they’ve got to stop doing that...it about kills me every year

Our summer was full with back to back trips starting in early June and ending in mid September.  I don’t know what I was thinking…mom brain I guess!  I got it in my head that 4 (yes, 4) trips to my family’s cabin in the UP of Michigan was a great idea…no!  These mini trips were a 4 to 5 day spread each and while that looks relaxing and fun on the calendar, it was too much.  Hey, I learned my lesson and next summer we will take 5 trips, but stay 5 to 6 days instead of 4 (just kidding).

The Road Trip to Colorado

             The last trip of the summer was the highly anticipated wedding of my little sister, Jenna to Armando Martinez out in Colorado!  I was able to spend almost two weeks out there.  Jenna flew to Milwaukee the week before the wedding and Claire, Caroline and I picked her up with the car packed and ready to go. We then drove the 18 hours back to Colorado!  I had such a special time with my sister on the road.  I would also like to inform her new husband that Jen’s going to make a wonderful mommy some day because she held up beautifully during the hours of toddler drama brought on by the 18 hour car ride…though the hours and hours of 102 Influential Children’s Praise Songs might have been a factored here – the girls love them!  Is it wrong for a pastor’s wife to physically want to die after hearing “My God is so big, so strong and so mighty….” for the billionth time?  Cause, I kind of wanted to...just a little bit!   Thanks for the CD’s, Aunt Jenna!

Aunt Jenna on her big Wedding Day with Ellie and Morgan
           We arrived in CO Sunday night and Armando graciously made room for the girls and me.  I so appreciated the extra time with my sister before the big day.  We laughed a lot, cried just as much (poor Armando) and had a fun time tying up the last few wedding threads.   The few days before the wedding were full of showers, luncheons and rehearsals.  Daniel and the older girls arrived Thursday night along with most of the family.  Jen and I were so immersed in everything that it wasn’t until 8:30ish the night before the wedding that I realized we had never picked up the girl’s flower girl dresses from the seamstress!  We just stared at each other like two deers in headlights for a few seconds, but don’t worry it all worked out.  We just garbed up in all black and broke into the seamstress’s shop via skylight while humming the Mission Impossible theme song and snagged the dresses.  No worries, we left payment for them on the counter!  Ok, so we’re not that cool, but it did cross my mind!  We were able to drop by the next morning and pick them up. 

Caroline as the Flower Girl
             The rest of the wedding day was full of sweet moments with the bride.  It is hard to pull in your focus when there is so much going on and so many incredible people to see and connect with!  The wedding itself was absolutely beautiful and my husband, who officiated the wedding, did an amazing job.  Come to find out later, Daniel’s very beautiful, but honest description of the highs and lows of marriage impacted many of the guests.  I’m bias though, and think my husband always pulls a 10 in the pulpit, but God truly spoke through him that night.  To God be the glory! 

            All and all, the wedding left me joyful , but exhausted physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I saw family that I haven’t seen in 12 or more years and then there was the absent of a few vital family members that made it especially hard, BUT God was so present and He is and was able to fill even the biggest holes.

           We are back now and school and fall are in full swing!  I don’t mind it because I just love this time of year!  Ellie started 4th grade and is doing great!  She seems to like her new teacher and has made new friends.  She and her friend Ashley even have a goodbye “hand shake” routine, well it’s more like a combination of finger wags, hip hits, hand slaps, a foot…thing and a hug to follow it all.  Friendships have gotten so complicated since I was in school!  Ellie is still swimming on the swim team and is getting antsy to move up to the next level.  She’s such a sweetheart and still so willing to help her mom out with her little sisters. 

Morgan is in 1st grade now and getting so big!  She and Ellie still have such a sweet “sistership” and I am very grateful that they enjoy each other.  Morgan’s creativity is truly incredible.  This girl can make a pair of fake earrings that look very real from anything!  She like the MacGyver of jewelry!  She continues to ask how many days she has until she can get her ears pierced…poor girl… it like 3 years.  I feel your pain, Morgs!  I had to wait until I was 13!

The Life of 4 Girls
          Caroline...grrr…this almost three year old looks so innocent with her adorable hazel eyes as they look up at you from her impossibly cute little face, but don’t be too taken in.  This child has a serious stubborn streak…no, forget the streak, it’s more like she’s been dipped in stubborn and sprinkled with way too much “I’m gonna test you, Mom” endurance.  Lord have mercy, this child and all her crazy cuteness will be my undoing.  She has given up her naps and won’t sleep no matter how much I bribe her, but she does stay in her room now for a “rest time” and builds her train tracks and plays “chooo-choooo” singing to her favorite Jesus songs that we got from Aunt Jenna.  My Caroline, a precious child of God, who He uses to continually remind me that I can’t do this by myself!  May the Lord bless you enough, Caroline; to give you such a daughter one day and the eyes see His love for you as He uses that precious life to mold you to look more like Him.  That is my prayer for you and your sisters that you look more and more like your Savior every day.

             Claire or Clary as we all call her now.  Oh my goodness, my baby turned one year old in July!  I can hardly believe it and yet it is just so exciting to see her grow, change and relate to her sisters and to us.  She looks like she might be a blond too!  I have to say…I had given up hope, not that it’s that big of a deal anyway.  She’s such a sweetie.  She’s play shy, but then will beam this heart melting grin at anyone she sees!  She loves being picked up and will swing her legs with such excitement on the way up to your arms that her whole body shakes!  Then, while you’re feeling all warm and fuzzy inside thinking that this cuddly cutie picked you to snuggle with, she starts pointing at everything and making a “I want that noise” and you realize you are just being used.  Clary and Caroline have a love/hate thing going on.  Caroline isn’t that patient with “baby” and will come tattle on “baby” because “baby” is being too loud!  So, I look over at “baby” who is sitting quietly on the couch drinking her bottle. Yeah…ok, Caroline.  Clary is fighting back now…is that a good thing?  I don’t know. 

Some Mommy Alone Time with God
            Ok folks, I’m tired.  I need to go to bed, now so I can get up early and be molded to look like Jesus a bit more.   I know I didn’t say anything about the church, but it’s going great.  I love, love, love the incredible people God has brought and continues to bring to Emmaus Road Church!  Please continue to pray for our family as we battle the continue fight to put God first, family second and the church third.  Those lines and boundaries are easily blurred.  

Love to you all,